Pick up the Scrumbs...
Scrumbs is an interactive web app for project management. It simulates a virtual Scrum board that teams (and stakeholders) can use to create, read, update, and delete tasks, as well as monitor the progression of the project. Scrumbs also features an admin panel for managing users and teams.
Task Board:
Scrumbs was a project for my software assurance class. My teamate and I focused on implementing BLP models, DFD models, and numerous other elements common to the SDLC to create a secure and good lookin' product. We got a little carried away with the CSS, but we still learned plenty about the web security and all that.
Tech used
- Angular
- MongoDB
- TypeScript
- NodeJS
- Express
Security features that we learned and implmented
- JWT authorization/authentication
- HTTP Interceptor
- User activity logging
- Password hashing
- Authentication Guard